Spring 2013 Issue of KINEMA
The First Ten Years
When we launched our first issue in the Spring of 1993, we believed that film, TV and the audiovisual media, these multi-faceted forms of communication with enormous expressive potential and persuasive power, should be more often examined from a wider perspective – beyond national, ideological or generational restrictions. We realised that discussions of film and media in different continents and countries involve not only different languages but different philosophical premises and aesthetic concerns leading often to opposing conclusions.
The text above appeared in the Spring 2003 issue, when KINEMA, its editors and contributors commemorated the first successful decade of this journal. Today, not without a certain pride, we can look back at another ten fruitful years of KINEMA's existence.
Our contributions have come from countries including Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. They are renowned scholars and professionals as well as graduate students and private researchers, lending our journal a wide spectrum of voices in a cross-cultural and cross-generational information exchange.
In 2008, KINEMA's website was thoroughly redesigned. New members joined our Editorial board. Sadly, we also lost KINEMA co-founder Gerald Pratley, who passed away in 2011 and Ron Holloway, one of our most dedicated contributors, who died in 2009.
We have tried to stay close to the goal we set ourselves two decades ago; in the years to come, we will try to maintain the integrity and quality of our journal. Above all, we thank you, our contributors and readers, for your unfailing encouragement and support.
The Editor
20th Anniversary issue of KINEMA (Spring 2013)
Jan UHDE is Professor Emer. (Film Studies) at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Born in Brno, Czech Republic. Graduated (MA) from the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno; PhD received at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He taught at the University of Waterloo (1970-2012) where he founded a General and Honours BA program in Film Studies at the Department of Fine Arts.
Publications: Latent Images: Film in Singapore Second edition, with Yvonne Ng Uhde (Ridge Books, National University Press of Singapore, 2010); Latent Images: Film in Singapore, with Yvonne Ng Uhde (Oxford University Press, 2000); Latent Images: Film in Singapore CD-ROM (2003, co-author); Vision and Persistence: Twenty Years of the Ontario Film Institute (University of Waterloo Press, 1990) and Ontario Film Institute Programming Activities Index 1969-1989 (Toronto: Ontario Science Centre, 1990). He co-edited the Place in Space: Human Culture in Landscape (Proceedings from the Second International Conference of the Working Group "Culture and Landscape" of the International Association of Landscape Ecology, Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, Holland, 1993). Jan Uhde has published articles and reviews in several countries (including Canada, USA, Germany, Italy), participated in international juries at film festivals and presented papers at international conferences in North America and Europe. In 1998/99, he was a visiting researcher at the School for Film and Media Studies, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore.
His professional and research interests focus on Singapore cinema; the identification and distancing mechanisms of the film viewer; the non-authored modifications and manipulation of films; and specific aspects of film history, including the Central European cinema.
He founded KINEMA in 1993.