Economic development leadership: 4 Cs for leadership success in Nunavut


  • Cheri Kemp-Long Nunavut office of CanNor


Economic development leadership is required at all levels of government- municipal, territorial and federal– to establish a sustainable economy.  In Nunavut all communities are remote from the others - each in its own separate, yet connected, location with little ‘relationship’ with any others.  There is a stated focus on community based and community driven economic development, yet very little understanding of what that really means.  What is required for it to happen?  How can cooperation and collaboration across levels of government assist?  How would developments generate new wealth for Nunavut and Nunavummiut?  It is argued in this paper that there is a need for the leadership at the three levels of government in Nunavut to understand their role in economic development and address through policy and process, the means to develop and implement action.  In the context of this paper – leadership is defined as the ability to understand, analyze, direct and act in a manner appropriate to encourage, entice and invigorate others to follow.


Keywords: leadership, community economic development, cooperation, collaboration, northern Canada





