The seniors boom and economic repercussions: Waterloo Region economic development opportunities for growth in an aging society


  • Tracy Suerich


The population in Canada is aging, and even the ‘Silicon Valley of the North’ Waterloo Region is no exception. Aging societies can have a positive impact on the Economy; however, proper policies and programs must be in place in order to thrive through the peak of the Baby Boom retirement wave in 2026. This paper discusses research and recommendations from literature reviews and best practices found among municipalities regarding methods to thrive in an aging society. It is hoped that this paper will aid economic developers and supporting organizations to prepare for the impending age shift through adapting new employment, service, and built environment policies and programs. Adapting economic development now may prevent future economic downturns due to changes in work, lifestyle, and spending habits that are expected throughout the aging and retirement of the baby boom generation. 

Keywords: Older adults, senior, caregiver, age friendly, anti-aging, adaptive employment

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tracy Suerich

Tracy Suerich is currently a Project Coordinator at the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. Prior to discovering a passion for public service, Tracy had a long and prosperous career in arts administration.  In 2009, that interest brought her to the City of Waterloo through the management of community festivals and events.  Since that time, Tracy has pursued a broad range of opportunities in municipal government including economic development, community development, policy analysis, and stakeholder engagement in a path that has taken her from Waterloo to Newfoundland and back again.  In 2013, Tracy received her master of Public Service from the University of Waterloo, and is currently focused on developing her career in economic development and strategic planning for the years to come. When not changing the world one community at a time Tracy enjoys golf, curling, scuba diving, camping and visual arts; with, whenever possible, her husband and dog in tow.





