From Associations To Info-Sociations: Civic Associations And ICT In Two Asian Cities
ICTs, civil society, civic associations, info-sociations, civic environmentalism, urban & community informatics, Asia, Hong Kong, TaipeiAbstract
Civic non-profit associations are experimenting with Information Communications Technologies (ICTs) as tools for transforming their work. The hybrid “info-sociation” concept—combining information and association—is introduced here for studying ICT-linked transformations. An info-sociational diagnostic supports comparisons of ICT praxis at civic associations in Hong Kong and Taipei, including transformations in: governance; organizational and participatory practices. These case studies also explore how civic environmentalists are experimenting with ICTs, including: green new media; map mash-ups for urban monitoring; digital storytelling; and e-platforms for public participation. The working diagnostic introduced in this paper serves three ends: 1) studying the shift from associations to info-sociations; 2) comparing civic strategies for ICT uses; and 3) theorizing about the co-evolution of local civic associations and ICTs.