Discussion List
About ciresearchers
The ciresearchers discussion list is hosted by the Engaged Information Sciences Network in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The list is an open discussion forum for those with an interest in community informatics and community informatics research.
To subscribe to the list, please visit this link: https://lists.ischool.illinois.edu/lists/info/ciresearchers
About the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN)
Community Informatics is primarily concerned with improving the well-being of people and their communities through more effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) came into being in 2004 as the result of activity by global ground of academics and practitioners and an international colloquium in 2003.
Community Informatics foregrounds social change and transformative action in emergent social-technical relationships, rather than prediction and control. Likewise, Development Informatics or ICT4D is concerned with ICTs in the international development context.
To learn more about Community Informatics, visit this link: What is Community Informatics (and Why Does It Matter)?
The Prato (Italy) CIRN Conference proceedings can be found here: https://www.monash.edu/it/hcc/dedt/prato-conferences
The Journal of Community Informatics can be found here: https://openjournals.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/JoCI
The ciresearchers listserv is an email list owned and operated by the Metropolitan New York Library Council, which is a member of CIRN. METRO reserves the right to remove subscribers and/or refuse subscription at any time without warning or explanation.
Online or off, METRO is a community space where we respect one another, as well as all comers.
METRO‘s mission is to share high-quality, timely, and important information across our community.
We strive to:
- Support an open exchange of ideas within a safe and respectful environment
- Ensure access to virtual platforms that are free from all forms of harassment, including those based on gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, family status, disability, physical appearance, health status, race, age, class, citizenship, veteran status, religion, or beliefs
- Offer a space of learning for our community by welcoming and respecting individuals from all professions and with all levels of education and experience
These principles apply to all communications sent through the ciresearchers discussion list.
To help us maintain secure online space for our community to enjoy, lease:
- Maintain a respectful and professional demeanor in all communications taking place on the discussion list
- Create opportunities for all people to speak, exercising tolerance of the perspectives and opinions of others
- Refrain from making inappropriate comments toward METRO staff members, presenters, and fellow participants
METRO has a zero-tolerance policy for all verbal, physical, and sexual harassment. Anyone who is asked to stop hostile or harassing behavior is expected to do so immediately. METRO staff will follow the procedures below in response to violations of our code of conduct:
- Reach out to individuals in private conversations with a request to abide by the above-listed policies
- If violations to our code continue after a private conversation takes place, remove the individual in question from the online event/request the individual to exit the in-person event. METRO staff will seek the support necessary to accompany any offenders from in-person spaces
Thank you kindly for your attention to these policies. We appreciate the continued support of our community members and we look forward to hearing from you on our lists.
Unless otherwise indicated, opinions expressed in messages on ciresearchers are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official METRO policy. METRO and its members bear no responsibility for the content of messages posted to ciresearchers. This is an unmoderated list.