Woods, Water, and Meadows
The Formation of Ukrainian-Canadian Identity Through Land and Settlement
Ukrainian-Canadians, Canadian prairies, homestead records, township maps, archival research, Census of Population, immigration and settlementAbstract
This paper explores the development and persistence of Ukrainian-Canadian communities in the West using a combination of archival documents, township maps, homestead records, and contemporary census data. These sources allow us to trace the historical settlement patterns of Ukrainian immigrants, understand the socio-economic dynamics that shaped their communities, and analyze how these patterns have evolved over time. Additionally, this paper addresses the limitations of historical census data in capturing the ethnic origins of early Ukrainian settlers and highlights the importance of archival research in filling these gaps. Through this multi-faceted approach, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Ukrainian-Canadian communities have maintained their cultural identity and adapted to the changing socio-economic landscape of the Canadian prairies.
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