Ceci est une version obsolète publiée le 2023-02-21. Consulter la version la plus récente.

Academic Map Library Weeding

Thoughts and Guidelines Developed from Two Experiences


  • Martin Chandler Cape Breton University




While maps remain an important part of library work, there has been a dearth of scholarly discussion on weeding maps. Some authors have offered suggestions in particular contexts – notably in public libraries and U.S. depository libraries. This leaves significant room for further discussion for those outside of the U.S. context, and those with more general map libraries. Following a literature review and contextual information situating the author's involvement in the topic, a discussion of methods and appropriate considerations are offered for weeding map collections. These guidelines are offered in point form in the conclusion for ease of referral.





Comment citer

Chandler, M. (2023). Academic Map Library Weeding: Thoughts and Guidelines Developed from Two Experiences. Bulletin - Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives (ACMLA), (171), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.15353/acmla.n171.5291

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