Computer-Based Analysis of Visual Fields
Age-Related Norms for the Central Visual Field
This paper will fulfill two purposes:
A) To describe ways, means, and advantages of using computers to analyse two-dimensional clinical data (e.g. photographs, charts) so that the reader will have a clearer understanding of these methods and perhaps start considering applying them in practice.
B) To present the results from a study of the central visual fields of 129 normal patients aged 10 to 70 years. These results are presented as average central fields for individual age groups ( 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65 years) so that the reader may compare a given patient's central field data to a norm for that patient's age group.
How to Cite
Williams, T. D. (1983). Computer-Based Analysis of Visual Fields: Age-Related Norms for the Central Visual Field. Canadian Journal of Optometry, 45(4).
Case Reports