The School of the Future / USP: Twenty Years of Vanguard in Social Networks


  • Brasilina Passarelli USP. Escola do Futuro


Mots-clés :

School of the Future/USP, Virtual Ethnography, Social Networking, Information Literacy, Educommunication


This article reports on projects and researches developed by School of the Future Research Laboratory at University of São Paulo over the last twenty years. Briefly presents of ongoing projects as well as those already completed, indicating their chronology, structure, target audience, objectives and funding, placing them in the context of action research. Theoretical research studies conducted at the Digital Culture Observatory are introduced, adopting the ethnographic method as a basis for qualitative studies on social networks.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Brasilina Passarelli, USP. Escola do Futuro

Cathedratic Professor on Information Science Department – CBD

School of Communication and Arts – ECA

University of Sao Paulo - USP

Scientific Coordinator of School of the Future Research Laboratory at USP

Avenida Professor Lucio Martins Rodrigues, Travessa 4, Bloco 02, Cidade Universitária, CEP: 05508-020 São Paulo - Brazil

