Understanding Information need and media habit of poor farmers in Bangladesh


  • Mohammad Muaz Jalil Group Manager, Monitoring and Results Measurement Group, Katalyst Swisscontact
  • Mohammad Shahroz Jalil



Mots-clés :

Poverty, ICT, Bangladesh, Media Habit, Telecenters, Farmers


Relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and poverty remains unclear.  The result is likely to remain such if focus is not given to the understanding of needs of the poorer community whose problems ICT interventions are supposed to solve. The present study is an attempt in that direction and it does so by trying to understand the media habit of poor farmers in Bangladesh.  The study covered 7 major agricultural sectors across 15 districts (out of 64) of Bangladesh. It is hoped that the detailed sector disaggregated findings of the study can be used in better designing of interventions to leverage ICTs, which can address key constraints in different agricultural value chains within Bangladesh.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Mohammad Muaz Jalil, Group Manager, Monitoring and Results Measurement Group, Katalyst Swisscontact

Group Manager, Monitoring and Results Measurement Group, Katalyst Swisscontact

Mohammad Shahroz Jalil

Director, Services Group, Katalyst Swisscontact


