Leçons apprises : Le domaine multiforme du (numériques) développement des quartiers


  • Madeleine Renyi PhD student, project manager
  • Anna Stiftung Lindenhof Tenure Track Position
  • Paul
  • Fabian
  • Thomas
  • Edith
  • Christophe



Mots-clés :

développement du quartier, mise en œuvre de la technologie, enseignements tirés


Dans le cadre d'un projet transnational, 14 quartiers d'Allemagne, d'Autriche et de Suisse ont été accompagnés sur la voie du travail de quartier soutenu par le numérique. Ce manuscrit rapporte les enseignements tirés de ces quartiers entre 2018 et 2020. Ces informations ont été compilées en utilisant l'analyse de contenu selon Kuckartz (2014) sur les documents de projet collectés. De précieuses connaissances sur l'usage de la technologie et la multitude de défis associés au travail de quartier numérique ont été mises au jour. Mettant au jour plusieurs facettes contradictoires, cette étude démontre qu'il n'est ni évident de favoriser la collaboration numérique dans les quartiers ni explicite de savoir comment le faire.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Madeleine Renyi, PhD student, project manager

Madeleine Renyi, M.Sc., is currently working as project manager at Gesundes Kinzigtal GmbH (Hausach, Germany). From 2013 till 2020 she was a research assistant at the care & technology lab (IMTT) of the Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences (HFU). As a PhD student she is still associated to the faculty. The focus of her research activities is on collaboration in outpatient care.

Since 2017, she is a PhD student at the Department of Accounting and Business Informatics at the Institute for Information Management and Business Management (IMU) at the University of Osnabrück.

Anna, Stiftung Lindenhof Tenure Track Position

Dr. Anna Hegedüs, completed her doctoral studies regarding "Participation as a goal of care and therapy" at the International Graduate Academy of the University of Halle - Wittenberg (Germany) in 2020. She has several years of experience in nursing development and (especially quantitative) nursing research in the field of psychiatric nursing. She has been a research assistant at Careum from 2015 till 2021. Currently she holds a tenur track professor position at the University of Bern.


Paul Schmitter, M.Sc., is a research assistant at the ZHAW since 2018. His focus is on digital transformation in facility managements in health care.


Fabian Berger, M.A., began his research career at the University of Lucerne, where he worked as a research assistant for "Qualitative and Quantitative methods in the social sciences" under Prof. Dr. Rainer Diaz-Bone. He then worked for three years at the Lucerne School of Social Work in the Competence Center Prevention and Health on the topics of community self-help, prevention of sexual abuse in children and participation of people with disabilities. Since 2017 he has been a research assistant at Careum School of Health, working on the topics of young carers, assistive technology and care givers.


Thomas Michael Ballmer, M.Sc., is a research assistant at the ZHAW.


Prof. Dr. Edith Maier, MSc., is a full professor at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences. She has a background in applied linguistics, social anthropology and information science, which makes her especially qualified for investigations at the interface between humans and technology.


Prof. Dr. Ing. Christophe Kunze, is Professor of Assistive Technologies in Health Care and Head of the care & technology lab (IMTT) of the Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences (HFU).






Research Articles