Sisyphus’s Broadband: Exploring models of rural community participation in digital infrastructure and connectivity


  • S. Ashleigh Weeden University of Guelph
  • Wayne Kelly Brandon University
  • Sarah Breen Selkirk College

Mots-clés :

connectivity, broadband, public policy, capacity building, rural development


Rural communities continue to face inequitable access to digital infrastructure and Internet connectivity, and pervasive digital divides in both infrastructure and capacities remain. A growing number of rural communities have taken (or attempted taking) active roles in the connectivity landscape. The literature investigating these community-led initiatives is emergent, with little understanding about the range of rural community-led initiatives and little empirical evidence to guide community decision-making in terms of which approach, if any, to use. This paper outlines the development of a set of rural community models with the aim of inviting further refinement and challenge of these models and to help communities understand the challenges and options for building local Internet access.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

S. Ashleigh Weeden, University of Guelph

Dr. S. Ashleigh Weeden, MPA, is a feminist, rural futurist, writer, thought leader and open public-servant,

Wayne Kelly, Brandon University

Dr. Wayne Kelly is the Director of the Rural Development Institute at Brandon University, Brandon, Canada,

Sarah Breen, Selkirk College

Dr. Sarah-Patricia Breen is Selkirk College's BC Regional Innovation Chair (RIC) in Rural Economic Development, Nelson, Canada,






Research Articles