Where in the world can you find your ancestors?


  • Larry Naukam President, Rochester NY Genealogical Society



Mots-clés :

genealogy, family history, GIS, local history


There is a rising awareness of the tools of Geospatial Information Systems on the part of both amateur and professional historians. Professionals (historians, political and social scientists, and even medical historians) are able to see and think about various trends in a more visual and useful way to them (think of seeing how various diseases spread and where and why), while amateurs seeking more information of their ancestors can also benefit by seeing migration patterns and places of origin, which could help them think about why their ancestors left a place to immigrate to a new country.

Knowing who controlled what land and when can make the task of finding appropriate records, for any purpose, a bit easier. Also mentioned are grass roots initiatives, that is, not created by governments or commercial organizations, but by local genealogical and historical groups. This brief overview, done primarily from a layman's viewpoint, can engage the reader with an idea of how to get their work more appreciated and out "into the world". A study by a student at California State University at Fullerton mentions that such genealogy researchers tend to be generative (that is, concerned with passing information along to those following), and very aware of themselves and their ancestors in a time and place.

Hopefully this will get more interaction between academics and people out in the world who can appreciate their work.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Larry Naukam, President, Rochester NY Genealogical Society

Larry Naukam is the retired Director of Historical Services (Local and Family History, Digitizing, and Newspaper Retrieval) for the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County, New York. He has been actively involved with local historical and genealogical groups since 1978. He is President of the Rochester, NY Genealogical Society and has been a member of the RGS Genealogical Educator's Group since 1991. He has  presented numerous times at state and regional  historical conferences.




Comment citer

Naukam, L. (2018). Where in the world can you find your ancestors?. Bulletin - Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives (ACMLA), (158), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.15353/acmla.n158.212




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