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Vol 5, No 3 (2009) & Vol 6, No 1 (2010): Special Double Issue: Gender in Community Informatics
Vol 5, No 3 (2009) & Vol 6, No 1 (2010): Special Double Issue: Gender in Community Informatics
Editorial: Community Informatics and Gender
Michael Gurstein
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Gender in Community Informatics : Guest Editorial for the special issue on Gender and Community Informatics
Anita Gurumurthy
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Research Articles
89.1 FM: The Place for Development: Power shifts and participatory spaces in ICTD
Revi Sterling, Sophia Huyer
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Gender digital equality in ICT interventions in health: Evidence from IDRC supported projects in developing countries
Kathleen Flynn-Dapaah, Ahmed Tareq Rashid
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Women Forge Ahead in India: Internet and the Public Forum
Kavita Karan, Dr. Rohit Raj Mathur
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Technicians, Tacticians and Tattlers: Women as Innovators and Change Agents in Community Technology Projects
Helen McQuillan
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Economic and Social Empowerment of Women Through ICT: A Case Study of Palestine
Khalid Said Rabayah
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Women at Work and Home: New Technologies and Labor among Minority Women in Seelampur
Sreela Sarkar
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Gender and GIS: Mapping the Links between Spatial Exclusion, Transport Access, and the Millennium Development Goals in Lesotho, Ethiopia, and Ghana
Wendy M Walker, Shalini P Vajjhala
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Village Phone Program, Commodification Of Mobile Phone Set And Empowerment Of Women
Quamrul Alam, Mohammad Abu Yusuf, Ken Coghill
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The Digital Divide and Gender: A Survey of Environmental Community Organizations in Perth, Western Australia
Subas Prasad Dhakal
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Case Studies
Cultivating the Women on Farms Gathering Community: A Digital Approach
Natalie Lee-San Pang
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Internet, power and politics: gender & ICTs in the movement against CAFTA
Margarita Salas
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Rural e-governance: Exploring the gender gaps and its impact on women(A case study of e-gram suraj scheme of Chhattisgarh State of India)
Anupama Saxena
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Notes from the field
Creating Community, Rejecting Community: Migrant Women in Beijing
Elisa Oreglia
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Notes and cases from the field (practitioners)
Gender Experiences in IT@School, an ICT enabled education project of Kerala, India
P R Raji, Arun M
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Engendering ICTs: Scope for Empowering women, with special reference to India
Dilip Dumar Ghosh,
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Pour les lecteurs-trices
Pour les auteurs-es
Pour les bibliothécaires
Français (Canada)