Author Resources

DISCLAIMER: Must be a UWaterloo student to access these resources via LEARN. 

Videos acquired from the WCC course on Learn. Can be accessed by ‘self-enrolling’ in the WCC course. 

Journal of Undergraduate Health Research Authors' Workshop: If you're planning to submit an article to the University of Waterloo's Journal of Undergraduate Health Research, use this workshop to ensure your submission is as strong as it can be before you submit!

Introduction to STEM writing 

Say It In Your Own Words: Paraphrase & Summary for Undergraduate Students  


Clarity in Scientific Writing

Introduction: Clarity in Scientific Writing 

Principle 1: Write with your Reader in Mind 

Principle 2: Use Precise Words to Better Convey the Details of your Research 

Principle 3: Use Simple Words to Avoid Unnecessarily Confusing your Readers 

Principle 4: Omit Unnecessary Words and Phrases that Don't Add Value to your Writing 

Principle 5: Avoid Using too many Abbreviations or Too Much Jargon 

Principle 6: Establish the Importance of Information by its Location 

Principle 7: Place Old, Familiar, or Short Information at the Start of a Sentence in the Topic Position 

Principle 8: Place New, Complex, or Long Information at the End of a Sentence in the Stress Position 

Principle 9: Get to the Subject of the Main Sentence Quickly 

Principle 10: Avoid Interruptions Between the Subject and the Verb, and Between the Verb and the Object 

Principle 11: Choose the Active Voice Over the Passive Voice When Possible 

Principle 12: Use the Past Tense for Completed Actions, and Use the Present Tense for Established Facts 

Principle 13: Aim for Having One Main Idea in Each Sentence 

Principle 14: Avoid Nominalizations and Use Active Verbs Instead 

Principle 15: Use Clear Pronouns to Indicate What Noun You are Referring To 
